Shake It Up and Reduce Plastic Use In The Kitchen

Shake It Up and Reduce Plastic Use In The Kitchen

This week is Keep Australia Beautiful Week. The wonderful country that we live in needs our help to protect its biodiversity and we thought we’d get a few tips from some of our fave sustainable friends on how to do our bit.

(not so) Fun fact - plastic that ends up in nature can take up to 500 years to decompose and can harm animals that ingest it. This year, Keep Australia Beautiful Week is putting single-use plastic in the spotlight & today we thought we’d do the same, by kicking off the week with some tips from our friends at The Conscious Space.

Let’s start in the kitchen!

Here’s how to Shake It Up and reduce your plastic use in the kitchen from The Conscious Space:

  1. Switch to refillable cleaning products
  2. Choose a natural dish brush
  3. Ditch the cling-wrap for a compostable alternative
  4. Choose compostable dish cloths
  5. Swap Tupperware with stainless steel containers
  6. Switch to compostable bin liners

Ready to do a full re-haul? You can read the full article on “How To Go Plastic Free In The Kitchen” via The Conscious Space website below, where they suggest brands to shop for sustainable solutions - Let’s Shake It Up!