Quick Facts On The Epidermis & The Hypodermis

Quick Facts On The Epidermis & The Hypodermis

Ever heard of the epidermis or the hypodermis? Well, if you hadn’t, you have now! This week we’ve been speaking to Kaye and Lisa, Founders and Directors of The Clinic. Here they give us some quick facts on the epidermis and the hypodermis, so you can understand the important role they play in our skin.

6 quick facts on the epidermis & the hypodermis from The Clinic:

  1. The epidermis is the most superficial layer of skin
  2. The epidermis provides protection
  3. The dermis function is to support and provide structure
  4. The dermis function is where your collagen is stored
  5. The hypodermis is your body's fat layer and it's role is to provide insulation and ‘padding’

You can support the epidermis & hypodermis with your daily dose of collagen!

Buy our collagen powder