5 reasons why deep breathing will shake Up your morning routine!

5 reasons why deep breathing will shake Up your morning routine!

Mandy Millan is the Founder of Flo Wellbeing, focused on connecting and supporting small businesses to help them grow, with hands on expert advice.

We asked Mandy for her top piece of advice for a successful day and she believes that it all comes down to our breathing.

Here’s Mandy’s 5 reasons why deep breathing will Shake Up your morning routine and make you feel fantastic for a successful day:

  1. It reduces stress and eases anxiety
  2. It helps you connect to YOU, before you do anything else for the day
  3. It creates fresh oxygen into your body, providing fresh energy
  4. It strengthens and builds your diaphragm and lungs It strengthens your attention span

What to do:

  1. A deep wide lateral breath
  2. Breathe in through your nose for 5, then out through your mouth for 5
  3. Make sure you’re breathing into the ribcage, keeping it wide and lateral
  4. Make sure you’re NOT costal breathing (coming up to your chest and shoulders)
  5. Time to Shake Up your morning routine Beauty Foodies!

P.S. If you’d like a free 30 minute discovery call with Mandy, to work out areas she can help you within your business, reach out to her on IG @flo_wellbeing!